As the variegated nuances of Obamacare will continue to unfold, where this legislation will continue to be touted as "all things for all people", there is one aspect that has become crystal clear. We have increasingly been inundated with the mantra of providing full and comprehensive coverage for women's healthcare. I have absolutely no problem with that. I don't know of anyone who would agrue against the improved health of any human being when vast leaps have been made in the technology of medicine. The fairest sex should be provided with only the best that healthcare has to offer.
However, just as this principle is both just and evident there is another side to this issue that is also abundantly clear in the politics of morality. It is this: when those who live this side of Roe v. Wade claim the inalienable right to "women's healthcare", what they really mean is abortion. Yes, the "inalienable right" to kill the unborn regardless to any and all moral claims to the contrary. Just as Roe let the genie forever out of the bottle it only follows that abortion should be enshrined as the golden calf desired by all women. So the feminists would have us believe. If these women and their supporters were to be truly forthright in their language then each time they intoned "women's healthcare" they would instead say "abortion." For all of the many truly necessary and legitimate concerns that fall under women's health that require medical assistance abortion is the one that is a choice. Why should taxpayer money subsidize a lifestylye choice that some women and their partners make when in so doing these taxpayers would be violating their sacred beliefs? Isn't that what is at the root of the Catholic Church's protest against the Obamacare mandate? But to the point, why is women's healthcare being so politicized if not for the unaviodably religious/political nature of abortion?
This deeply moral grounding of Roe/abortion has finally come to fruition in the vineyard of Obamacare and the nation's teeth are set on edge. The reality is that women who reserve the "right" to terminate a pregnancy want this ability to be enmeshed along with all the other healthcare services to such an extent that they all acquire that same moral weight. But is having a breast exam or pap smear really the same as having an abortion? If so, why not say uniquivocally that the desire for comprehensive women's healthcare is really the play for unhindered access to abortion? Let's call a spade a spade and stop the symantic nonsense. We need to be crystal clear about how we view and treat the most defenseless among us so that babies will be truly safe in a place where they should be sacred: in their mother's womb.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Pick-a-Party, Pick-a-Pundit
As the presumptive Repubican presidential candidate is narrowed down and President Obama fresh off his SOTU performance, erstwhile muse yours truly meditated this evening over the political airwaves. In this corner: Fox News Channel; in the other corner: MSNBC. I can see the eyes rolling already. But if the eyes did indeed roll it is because you know in whose corner the pundits manage from. The longer I watch American national politics the easier it is to just "sense" the right/left cheering sections. To better bring into bold relief my experience this evening let me just say parenthetically that I never fully knew how Republican Fox is until I watched how thoroughly Democrat MSNBC is. Being a conservative I have nevertheless liked to think I can distinguish between a donkey and an elephant, bearing in mind that the conservative label does not always equate with being a Republican any more than being a liberal equates with being a Democrat.
If you believe that a particular cable outlet has the market cornered on offering a "bold critique" on one of the parties, I challenge you to step out of your normal viewing routine and take a gander at the depised "enemy channel." You know, the one that no self-respecting R- or D- would be caught dead watching. What I found to my own shock and shame was that while I was nauseated at how "my side" was lambasted by "their" pundits, I quickly realized was that the same demagoguery so roundly drew my applause when engaged by "my" politcos. How could this be?! Specks and beams in our eyes do so get in our way do they not?
In summation: both the Democratic and Republican parties have their own controlled media outlets that even any causual political participant would do well to factor into the voting calculus. And when we enter the voting booth on election day remember this pithy phrase: BUYER BEWARE.
If you believe that a particular cable outlet has the market cornered on offering a "bold critique" on one of the parties, I challenge you to step out of your normal viewing routine and take a gander at the depised "enemy channel." You know, the one that no self-respecting R- or D- would be caught dead watching. What I found to my own shock and shame was that while I was nauseated at how "my side" was lambasted by "their" pundits, I quickly realized was that the same demagoguery so roundly drew my applause when engaged by "my" politcos. How could this be?! Specks and beams in our eyes do so get in our way do they not?
In summation: both the Democratic and Republican parties have their own controlled media outlets that even any causual political participant would do well to factor into the voting calculus. And when we enter the voting booth on election day remember this pithy phrase: BUYER BEWARE.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Republican Ticket
With the primary season now underway there may begin to develop a feel for who will eventually become the Republican nominee. For as unpredictable as the tide has been over the closing months of 2011, with a veritable "flavor of the week" procession, one might be reticent indeed to make bold on any predictions. Well, not here. This is where the fun is and why they pay me the big bucks. O.K., the pay check may or may not be in the mail, but it is good times to look into the crystal ball on my desk.
It is obvious to me that Mitt Romney will carry the banner into the general election in November. While others have had their spurts, and now Newt has fallen off the edge of the globe, some say nudged over by Romney operatives, the erstwile governor is the most "electible" man left standing. Sure, Romney lacks the cred for the staunch conservative wing of the Republican party, but even these folks will fall in line in order to unseat president Obama. What will be the critical decision is: who will fill out the ticket as the veep? He or she will need to be someone who will curry the favor of the tea partiers, for which Romney plays the mediating centrist role that would win the election. Further, they need to be someone who will garner coveted votes from a powerful "swing" faction of the electorate: read minority vote.
I present to you the man who will provide all of these necessary ingredients to win the White House for the Repulican party: (drumrole please) the junior senator (where have we heard that before?) from Florida, Marco Rubio! Sure he is young, just over forty, but the intangibles of his Cuban-American heritage along with his hailing from the always critical state of Florida, will help lock up the hispanic vote that would easily go blue otherwise. Remember the last time we had a person of color on a presidential ticket and how the minority and youth vote tabulated? I thought so. Romney/Rubio! Has a definite election ring to it. Or maybe it sounds more like a 1970's board game. You make the call.
It is obvious to me that Mitt Romney will carry the banner into the general election in November. While others have had their spurts, and now Newt has fallen off the edge of the globe, some say nudged over by Romney operatives, the erstwile governor is the most "electible" man left standing. Sure, Romney lacks the cred for the staunch conservative wing of the Republican party, but even these folks will fall in line in order to unseat president Obama. What will be the critical decision is: who will fill out the ticket as the veep? He or she will need to be someone who will curry the favor of the tea partiers, for which Romney plays the mediating centrist role that would win the election. Further, they need to be someone who will garner coveted votes from a powerful "swing" faction of the electorate: read minority vote.
I present to you the man who will provide all of these necessary ingredients to win the White House for the Repulican party: (drumrole please) the junior senator (where have we heard that before?) from Florida, Marco Rubio! Sure he is young, just over forty, but the intangibles of his Cuban-American heritage along with his hailing from the always critical state of Florida, will help lock up the hispanic vote that would easily go blue otherwise. Remember the last time we had a person of color on a presidential ticket and how the minority and youth vote tabulated? I thought so. Romney/Rubio! Has a definite election ring to it. Or maybe it sounds more like a 1970's board game. You make the call.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Feast of the Holy Family
Thou blessed Light of saints above and highest Hope of mortals here,
O Jesu, on Whose childhood's days the love of home shone bright and clear:
O Mary, who art full of grace, whose virgin bosom undefiled,
Gave Jesus nourishment, whose arms with love embraced the Holy Child:
And thou, whom God did choose from all to guard the spotless Mother-Maid,
On whom God's Son as father called, a father's love with love repaid:
Of Jesse's noble lineage born to bring earth's nations healing grace,
O hear us as we lowly bow, and seek Thee in this holy place.
The setting sun brings evening near and dusk veils all things earthly now,
We here abide to pour our prayer, our inmost heart's desires we show.
In Nazareth's home all virtues grew and grace produced its fairest flowers,
O may such grace and virtue sweet shine forth in every home of ours.
Obedient to Thy parents made, all glory, Jesu, be to Thee,
With God the Father infinite, and Holy Ghost, eternally. Amen
V. (Is. 54:13) I will cause all thy children to be taught of the Lord.
R. And great shall be the peace of thy children.
Antiphon At The Magnificat
Mary kept all these words, and pondered them in her heart.
Thou blessed Light of saints above and highest Hope of mortals here,
O Jesu, on Whose childhood's days the love of home shone bright and clear:
O Mary, who art full of grace, whose virgin bosom undefiled,
Gave Jesus nourishment, whose arms with love embraced the Holy Child:
And thou, whom God did choose from all to guard the spotless Mother-Maid,
On whom God's Son as father called, a father's love with love repaid:
Of Jesse's noble lineage born to bring earth's nations healing grace,
O hear us as we lowly bow, and seek Thee in this holy place.
The setting sun brings evening near and dusk veils all things earthly now,
We here abide to pour our prayer, our inmost heart's desires we show.
In Nazareth's home all virtues grew and grace produced its fairest flowers,
O may such grace and virtue sweet shine forth in every home of ours.
Obedient to Thy parents made, all glory, Jesu, be to Thee,
With God the Father infinite, and Holy Ghost, eternally. Amen
V. (Is. 54:13) I will cause all thy children to be taught of the Lord.
R. And great shall be the peace of thy children.
Antiphon At The Magnificat
Mary kept all these words, and pondered them in her heart.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
TULIP(s) in January
What was at one time known as Calvinism, or Calvinistic Thought, attributed to John Calvin the sixteenth century French theologian, has in more recent times come to be know as the Doctrines of Grace. They subsist in five points, corresponding to the five points of Calvinism and can be remembered by the acronym TULIP. They provide us with a summation of what is believed to be how God has shaped His salvific work through His one and only Son. We shall treat of these here in brief:
T - Total Depravity - Since our first parents' fall in the Garden of Eden brought sin and death to themselves and to all of their offspring (Gen. 3:3; Rom. 3:23,5:12), we are by nature born sinners and enemies of God. This inherent sinfulness is complete through and through, in other words we are totally depraved. We can do nothing but offend and sin against a holy God. Does this not match the state of the world in which we live? Think upon yourself reader and see if you do not agree with the apostle Paul when he bemoans his inability to do good when his inner nature contemplates evil and wars against himself (Rom. 7:13-25).
U - Unconditional Election - This holds that before God created Man he looked into human history and chose the people whom He would save regardless of any merit of their own (Eph. 2:1-5). The early church, as is recorded in Acts, was the vehicle ordained by God to bring salvation to lost humanity (2:47). The only thing we bring to our salvation is our own sin. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 6:23).
L - Limited Atonement - Christ did not die for every single person who would ever live. His sacrifice was certainly more than sufficient to save all, but not all would come to Him to be saved; these held to their own self-righteousness (Jn. 9:41). In John's gospel, chapter ten, Christ talks of being the Good Shepherd and explains the difference between Himself and robbers and thieves. Importantly, He speaks of His own sheep and those who are not of His fold (Jn.10:25-30).
I - Irresistible Grace - For all of those for whom our Lord did indeed give His life, they will surely come to His banner (Eph. 1:4-7). The faith of God's elect will win over all of the challenges raised by an unbelieving world (Rom. 8:33-34). When our Lord stood outside of Lazarus' tomb and called him to life, he had no option but to obey (Jn. 11:43-44).
P - Perseverance of the saints - Those who have been effectively called by God's grace will persevere to the end and obtain the crown of life (Jas. 1:12). Through all temptations and trials of faith the elect will be delivered (1 Ptr. 1:5-7). Our Lord, through His death and triumphant ascension, has gained the victory for His chosen people (Rom.8:33-39).
This then is the teaching of the faith that is the bedrock of all truly reformed theology. However, it is rare indeed in this day and age for there to be such a bold proclamation. Rather, people "heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
T - Total Depravity - Since our first parents' fall in the Garden of Eden brought sin and death to themselves and to all of their offspring (Gen. 3:3; Rom. 3:23,5:12), we are by nature born sinners and enemies of God. This inherent sinfulness is complete through and through, in other words we are totally depraved. We can do nothing but offend and sin against a holy God. Does this not match the state of the world in which we live? Think upon yourself reader and see if you do not agree with the apostle Paul when he bemoans his inability to do good when his inner nature contemplates evil and wars against himself (Rom. 7:13-25).
U - Unconditional Election - This holds that before God created Man he looked into human history and chose the people whom He would save regardless of any merit of their own (Eph. 2:1-5). The early church, as is recorded in Acts, was the vehicle ordained by God to bring salvation to lost humanity (2:47). The only thing we bring to our salvation is our own sin. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 6:23).
L - Limited Atonement - Christ did not die for every single person who would ever live. His sacrifice was certainly more than sufficient to save all, but not all would come to Him to be saved; these held to their own self-righteousness (Jn. 9:41). In John's gospel, chapter ten, Christ talks of being the Good Shepherd and explains the difference between Himself and robbers and thieves. Importantly, He speaks of His own sheep and those who are not of His fold (Jn.10:25-30).
I - Irresistible Grace - For all of those for whom our Lord did indeed give His life, they will surely come to His banner (Eph. 1:4-7). The faith of God's elect will win over all of the challenges raised by an unbelieving world (Rom. 8:33-34). When our Lord stood outside of Lazarus' tomb and called him to life, he had no option but to obey (Jn. 11:43-44).
P - Perseverance of the saints - Those who have been effectively called by God's grace will persevere to the end and obtain the crown of life (Jas. 1:12). Through all temptations and trials of faith the elect will be delivered (1 Ptr. 1:5-7). Our Lord, through His death and triumphant ascension, has gained the victory for His chosen people (Rom.8:33-39).
This then is the teaching of the faith that is the bedrock of all truly reformed theology. However, it is rare indeed in this day and age for there to be such a bold proclamation. Rather, people "heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
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