I must begin this blog with an unequivocal disclaimer: I cut my political teeth during the Reagan years and, with a few exploratory ventures that were more academic than anything, have remained a conservative in that sense. I say this to start because the position I take here is actually from a pro-Obama point of view. More precisely, if I were given the charge to gain President Obama's re-election next year, what would I do? Well, there are any number of steps that the president could/should take to win four more years but these would more likely fall into the goals of the Republican challenger (God help us with the current choices; these may be the only factor that Obama needs to secure another term). Instead, I will suggest but one change he needs to make to solidify his base, reach out to other Democrats, and garner the coveted middle-ground and undecided voters: tell Joe Biden he has served his purpose, whatever that was, and name Hillary Clinton to join him on the ticket.
Now I'm sure most of you have heard this canard before and additionally will opine, "she doesn't want to play Obama's second fiddle anyway." To which I retort, "not so fast this time." There is no question that Ms. Hillary wants to wear the big pants in the Oval Office; shoot she had done so in her marriage to Bill all those years anyway. If she were asked to become V.P. for his second term, just one "hear beat away" from the presidency, Obama could follow the advice of Don Corleone who said to keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Having Hillary under his eyes in the West Wing, instead of off trotting the globe wispering lies and damnable lies in the ears of our erstwile "allies", would be one less worry for Obama's troubled brow. For Ms. Clinton, she positions herself for a most formidable run at the presidency in 2016, heir to continue the "legacy" which President Obama will leave her (exactly what that will be by that time is anyone's guess).
As vice president Clinton she will have abundant opportunites to garner the white-hot spotlight of the D.C. press, in full view of the American people she so desparately wants to lead from the Oval Office. A stark contrast to state dinners with rag-tag despots in third world hell holes which no one hears about anyway. Where exactly is Madame Secretary these days? With Hillary as his veep for the 2012 election, Obama curries the favor of all those who supported her run at him last time as they will have visions of her presidency four years later. The president further solidifies votes from more moderate liberals who will view her as a steadying and centrist figure in the next administration while at the same time tantallizing the feminist wing of the party, well both parties (yes there are feminist conservatives as well) who simply want to see "one of us" be president.
What possible Republican ticket could produce a challenge to an Obama/Clinton one? The one that says wait until 2016 and hope to God that Obama's second term collapses under the crushing political and economic weight of "four more years."
Wow! That was different, Politics? Gingrich in 2012.